What started as the Northeast Regional FT match, a one day event; evolved into the two day North-East Regional Field Target Championship, and now has evolved once more to become the "All American Field Target Championship".
Still sponsored, and strongly supported by Crosman, the AAFTC is now under the auspices of the Rochester Brooks Gun Club's FT section; run by Sean McDaniels, with the support of the RBGClub's President.
All changes imply some level of transition, and this one was no exception. Still, the fact that most people came away VERY happy allows us to forecast a bright future for the AAFTC in years to come.
Festivities started on Friday morning with the official opening of the sight-in range.

The second day was a little harder conditions, the wind was blowing in quite unpredictable gusts.
The ranging was also off, sometime about 8 yards, sometimes only 2.
Peculiar how temperature and recoil affects the scopes.
International travel is always a problem and very expensive, but there is no substitute for experience and being forged in the heat of the battle.
What will next year bring? I would imagine, at the very least, some very tough competition. No one came even close to cleaning the course, so the difficulty factor is right where it is supposed to be. Top shooters were all very evenly matched.
Hopefully, next year we can have a "woods course" as well as a "plains course" different challenges, different conditions and more variety.
I am sure that the food concession will also do its best to get everyone fed as well as they did this year, only faster.
I cannot thank enough the Rochester Brooks Gun Club for their support of their FT section, nor Crosman Corporation for all the efforts, gifts, sensational "tent sale" and man (and Women) power put into the event.
And to all the shooters that made the trek, short or long, also my sincere thanks. Meeting you all at least once a year is one of the best things about this sport.
Keep well and shoot straight!
Additional thanks to Chip Hunicutt for the excellent Team Canada and Team USA pictures.